- Murcielagos | Kristan Rosekrans
- Embodying Politics:The Israeli/Palestinian conflict and my person recovery from PTSD | Dave Berceli
- Trauma and Startle Reflex: It’s Creation and Resolution | Dave Berceli
- Working in a Land of Passion with a People of Passion | Geoffrey Whitfield
- Cerebral Hemorrhage: My Account | Gay Mallon Listfield
- Steps Between Life and Death | Knut Brakert
- Bioenergetics Applied to Social Clinics | Grace Wanderly de Barros Correia, Jayme Panerai Alves, Gedalva Rapela, Lucina Araujo |
- Case Study of a Survivor of Political Torture | Maryanna Eckberg
- Treatment of Shock Trauma (PSD): A Somatic Perspective | Maryanna Eckberg
- Traumatization of a Society: El Salvador's Struggle Continues | Kristan Rosekrans
- Book Review: Myth and Body by Stanley Keleman | John Conger
Book Review: Modes of Therapeutic Action by Martha Stark | Angela Klopstech and Myron Koltuv
![IIBA Journal - 10 - 1999 [EN]](/images/Journal1999.png)