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IIBA Journal - 10 - 1999 [EN]

IIBA Journal - 10 - 1999 [EN]

Kristan Rosekrans

Embodying Politics:The Israeli/Palestinian conflict and my person recovery from PTSD
Dave Berceli

Trauma and Startle Reflex: It’s Creation and Resolution
Dave Berceli

Working in a Land of Passion with a People of Passion
Geoffrey Whitfield

Cerebral Hemorrhage: My Account
Gay Mallon Listfield

Steps Between Life and Death
Knut Brakert

Bioenergetics Applied to Social Clinics pdf
Grace Wanderly de Barros Correia, Jayme Panerai Alves, Gedalva Rapela, Lucina Araujo

Case Study of a Survivor of Political Torture
Maryanna Eckberg

Treatment of Shock Trauma (PSD): A Somatic Perspective
Maryanna Eckberg

Traumatization of a Society: El Salvador's Struggle Continues
Kristan Rosekrans

Myth and Body by Stanley Keleman
John Conger
Modes of Therapeutic Action by Martha Stark
Angela Klopstech and Myron Koltuv


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