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IIBA Journal - 8 - 1997 [EN]

IIBA Journal - 8 - 1997 [EN]

Brazil with Z & Brasil Com S
Leonardo Christo

The Hysterical Character in the Patriarchal Society and the Question of the Feminine
Eliana Isola Rodrigues Silva           

Live Supervision
Odila Weigand

Bioenergetics with Drug Addicts in Venezuela
Gloria de Sardiñas

A Psychologist in El Salvador
Maryanna Eckberg

Three Poems from a Cycle of Thirteen Entitled: The Father Year
Susan Downe

An Interview with Jean-Marc Guillerme
Jean-Loup Briaudet

Short Term Bioenergetic Therapy with a Population of Religious Men and Women
Mark B. Everson

Works Regarding the Voice: Mental Illness and Bioenergetics
Marisa Orsini

Of One's Own (a poem)
Ellen Green Giammarini

Reflections on Learning and Teaching Bioenergetics
Edsel Stiel

Body Song: How Singing Reveals & Heals pdf
Ron Panvini

On Considering Dual Relationships pdf
Carol Bandini

Les Lieux Du Corps reviewed
Maryse Doess
Anima e Corpo
Gabriella Buti Zaccagnini
Forum Der Bioenergetischen Analyse
Robert Lewis


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