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Руководство по биоэнергетическому анализу [RU]

Руководство по биоэнергетическому анализу [RU]

The Russian Handbook - Bioenergetic Analysis has been published!

The cover of the Handbook features the painting "The Tale of Kings" by Mikalojus Čiurlionis. This picture is symbolic of what is going on.

Just as the stars in the sky glow at night, special stars on earth also shine - the creations of great philosophers, artists, poets, who illuminate the path in the earthly night with their unearthly light. This is especially acutely felt when evil and misfortune occur, "jumping out of Pandora's box" - an ancient symbol of suffering that humanity needs to go through on a long, difficult path of evolution. In the picture, the King and Queen - wizards from ancient legends - hold a small fragile world in their palms. They stand under a dark blue starry sky in a mysterious forest among mighty trees. You look closely and you begin to distinguish antique columns, Romanesque porticos, Byzantine temples, Gothic spiers, Muslim minarets in the gaps ... This is a genealogical tree of world history. A radiance emanates from the center of the picture - the sun rises above the small world held by the hands of the Queen. In the sunlit clearing, there are simple houses with thatched roofs, hedges and poplars. A new day is born - a new day in the historical fate of mankind. What will he be like? What will the awakening potential of this young world result in? What mark will he leave in history? What awaits him on the historical path? What tests will he have to go through, because dark monsters also live in this dense forest, who always attack and strive to destroy everything bright? The heart begins to beat with anxiety and excitement for the future of this world, but you look at the King and Queen and peace comes to your soul. One hand of the King rests on a sword that protects this world from the forces of evil - this sword is in the hands of St. George, and the Archangel Michael, and King Arthur, and Joan of Arc, and the monk Peresvet - the entire heavenly and earthly army of Light. The King gazes with paternal love at the living creature in the Queen's arms. And she carefully holds the world in her palms and makes sure that every cell of this world is filled with the power of light and the power of life of the rising Sun.

The painting by Mikalojus Čiurlionis reminded us in these difficult days of the ancient truths and that we must always continue to seek the light and fight for the light.

The fact that behind all the troubles and trials there is a meaning and necessity, that it is in difficult times that legends come to life and heroes are born, that a new and better world is born thanks to our efforts and help that comes from above.


Distribution of this Handbook is organized by our Moscow Training Group (

For more information in Russian, please click here:

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