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Bioenergetica e Genere, Amore, Sesso, Relazioni  [IT]

Bioenergetica e Genere, Amore, Sesso, Relazioni [IT]

In the last decades, the world of psychotherapy has deeply enriched its knowledge of human beings thanks to infant research, attachment theory and neuroscience, etc.
In the same time, people from women and civil rights movements and from the LGBTQR world struggled to conquer the right to their own subjectivity of existence; against a conventional view of life (that measures all aspects) from the Caucasian male perspective.
This has deeply changed the psychotherapy approach to what is to be considered healthy and what is not, and allows us to support our clients better than in the past.
Our new e-book presents a collection of articles summarized how today Bioenergetic Analysis looks at the themes of gender, relationship, sexuality and love.

Questa raccolta di articoli nasce da esperienze personali e professionali, da riflessioni su casi clinici e dal lavoro corporeo bioenergetico sui temi del genere, amore, sesso, relazioni.

Con i contributi di : M. Rosaria Filoni, Elaine Tuccillo, Rossana Colonna, Diana Guest, Virginia Wink Hilton, Garet Bedrosian, Patrizia Moselli, Monica Monteriù, Paola Bacigalupo, Helen Resneck-Sannes and Fina Pla Vila

Eds M. Rosaria Filoni
M. Rosaria Filoni ha studiato filosofia. È psicologa e psicoterapeuta, supervisore e local trainer, direttore di training per la formazione di Analisti Bioenergetici della SIAB. Svolge la libera professione a Roma.

International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (ed.)

Disponibile in 3 formati elettronici (clicca sull'icona per ottenere la tua copia)

pdf 1 s          mobi 3 s            epub 2 s



 Ordina la tua copia stampata a prezzo di costo senza alcun margine di profitto.
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BA and gender love sex relationship s


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  International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis
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