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IIBA Journal - 2.2 - 1987 [EN]

IIBA Journal - 2.2 - 1987 [EN]

Note: This issue of the journal was published by SOBAB (Société Belge d'Analyse Bioenergétique) in Spring 1987, following the IIBA International Conference 1986 in Belgium.

National Culture and the Body
Alexander Lowen

SECTION I - Morning Communications
J. Barnitt (from USA)
G. Briani (from Italy)
O. Candotti (from Brazil)
T. Ehrensperger (Switzerland)
S. Finlay (Denmark)
U. Sebastian (Germany)

SECTION II - Afternoon Communications

1.Culture - Culture
Rachel ou l'histoire d'une femme déracinée
J. Berliner
Problematique de la sexualité dans la culture arabo-islamique
M. Mahfoudh
Cultural Differences
D. Finlay

2. Analyse Bioénergetique - Bioenergetic Analysis
The various Applications of Bioenergetics
P. Jacquet, J.M.Guillerme
Problems Associated with Interruption or Premature Termination in Bioenergetic Analysis
P. Jacquet

3. Bioénergie - Bioenergetics
Energy and Culture
M. Bermann
Dynamic Morphology
D. Boadella
Some Aspects of the Difference between the Rightand the Left Side of the Body
J. Ponne
The Nature of the Orgasm
O. Jensen
Bioenergetics and Oriental Medicine
J. Munchen

4. Relations d'Objets - Object Relations
L'état-limíte de la culture
G. Tonella
Preverbal Enactment in Therapy
R. Robertson
Biological and psychological Coping Mechanisms
E. Rablen
Bioenergetics and Object Relations Theory, in Relation to Sexuality and the true Self
G. Peck

5. Psychosomatique - Psychosomatic
Bioenergetic Analysis in psychosomatic Medicine. Short-Term Bioenergetic Therapy
T. Ehrensperger
Bioenergetic Therapy as an alternative Treatment for psychosomatic Illnesses
M. Sicherman
Culture and Bioenergetic Applications in Individuals with Heart Disease
St. Sinatra

6. Sexualité – Sexuality
Working with sexual Transference
V. Winck
Des angoisses des 12 premiers mois à la sexualité “de contact"
J. Voyron
Sex and self-Respect II
P. Helfaer
Working bioenergetically with sexuallyabused Clients
L. Mayo

7. Formation – Training
Bioenergetics and Education
D. Goodwin
People becoming Psychotherapists
J. Miller

8. Psychopolitique - Psychopolitics
An Introduction to Psychopolitics and to the Documentary Film "Kisses & Bosses”    
L. De Marchi


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