- Brazil with Z & Brasil Com S | Leonardo Christo
- The Hysterical Character in the Patriarchal Society and the Question of the Feminine | Eliana Isola Rodrigues Silva
- Live Supervision | Odila Weigand
- Bioenergetics with Drug Addicts in Venezuela | Gloria de Sardiñas
- A Psychologist in El Salvador | Maryanna Eckberg
- Three Poems from a Cycle of Thirteen Entitled: The Father Year | Susan Downe
- An Interview with Jean-Marc Guillerme | Jean-Loup Briaudet
- Short Term Bioenergetic Therapy with a Population of Religious Men and Women | Mark B. Everson
- Works Regarding the Voice: Mental Illness and Bioenergetics | Marisa Orsini
- Of One's Own (a poem) | Ellen Green Giammarini
- Reflections on Learning and Teaching Bioenergetics | Edsel Stiel
- Body Song: How Singing Reveals & Heals | Ron Panvini |
- On Considering Dual Relationships | Carol Bandini |
- Journal Reviews: Les Lieux Du Corps reviewed | Maryse Doess
- Journal Reviews: Anima e Corpo | Gabriella Buti Zaccagnini
- Journal Reviews: Forum Der Bioenergetischen Analyse | Robert Lewis
![IIBA Journal - 8 - 1997 [EN]](/images/Journal1997.png)