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Shyness and shame

  • Author: Ana Silvia Paula
  • Date - Year (yyyy): 2018
  • Language(s): English, Portuguese

by: Ana Silvia Paula

This paper is based on a Workshop presented in the 23rd IIBA Inter-national Conference in Recife and later in the PDW 2018 in Salvador, and intents to understand shyness and shame in the terms of character development concepts from Psychoanalysis to Bioenergetics, setting stages and relational patterns where psychossomatic withdrawal mechanisms are activated, leading to emotional and relational conditions that affect and, in many cases, restrain social life and selfrealization.
Also presents Bioenergetic Analysis as an effective tool in the treatment of emotional disorders that derive from these withdrawal patterns.

Keywords: shyness, shame, mother-baby relationship, castration, libido, character analysis

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