Webinars - Season 2023/24
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Webinar 1: Narcissism, by Scott Baum
Webinar 2: Shock, trauma, by Robert Coffman
Webinar 3: Somatic Resonance, by Vita Heinrich-Clauer
Webinar 4: Aggression as a Life Force and Grounding as a Life Stabilizer, by Angela Klopstech
Webinar 5: Working with Resistances in Bioenergetic Analysis, by Odila Weigand
Webinar 6 : Couple Therapy in Bioenergetic Analysis by Garet Bedrosian
Webinars - Season 2022/23
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Bioenergetic Basis: History and evolution of Bioenergetic Analysis by Guy Tonella
Schizoid Structure: An Existential Struggle for the Right to Exist by Louise Fréchette
Oral character: Understanding and Treating the Abandoned Child, by Vincentia Schroeter
Masochistic Character: Struggling to become oneself, by Garry Cockburn
Psychopathic structure: Who accepts you for just being, by Thomas Heinrich
Rigid Character: Description of Phallic to Hysterical Character, by Liane Zink
IIBA Webinars
- Webinar 1: Narcissism by Scott Baum
- Webinar 2: Shock, trauma by Robert Coffman
- Webinar 3: Somatic Resonance by Vita Heinrich-Clauer
- Webinar 4: Aggression as a Life Force and Grounding as a Life Stabilizer by Angela Klopstech
- Webinar 5: Working with Resistances in Bioenergetic Analysis by Odila Weigand
- Webinar 6: Couple Therapy in Bioenergetic Analysis by Garet Bedrosian
The first series of webinars (6 episodes) talks about the principles of Bioenergetic Analysis, and about some character structure types further developed by Alexander Lowen:
- Webinar 1: Bioenergetic Basics by Guy Tonella
- Webinar 2: Schizoid Character by Louise Fréchette
- Webinar 3: Oral Character by Vincentia Schroeter
- Webinar 4: Psychopathic Character by Thomas Heinrich
- Webinar 5: Masochistic Character by Garry Cockburn
- Webinar 6: Rigid Character by Liane Zink
The Clinical Journal
Welcome to the Clinical Journal of the IIBA.
Our Clinical Journal serves as a platform to delve deeper into theoretical and scientific concepts of Bioenergetic Analysis, fostering connections to enrich communication and expand our network with other therapy modalities, academic psychology, medicine, and psychosomatic schools of thought.
This journal is published once a year, offering a diverse range of content including clinical reports, theoretical analyses and empirical investigations that explore the theory and practice of Bioenergetic Analysis.



The IIBA Reader, is more than just a compilation of professional articles. This is a historical document. It traces the development of thinking and practice in Bioenergetic Analysis.
The papers in this compendium span a wide range of ideas, perspectives, clinical applications, and viewpoints.
A full bunch of articles in different languages
written by Bioenergetic Therapists
IIBA Awards
IIBA Awards have been created to support the clinical work, social work activities and our research projects in the bioenergetic community.

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Ed Svasta
In Memory of Ed Svasta: This collection features an interview by Paul Amberg, memory prompts, and pictures to honor and remember Ed Svasta. It shares heartfelt tributes and cherished memories, celebrating his life and his significant contributions to our institute. Ed was an integral part of our community, and this tribute reflects his lasting impact on all of us.
Bill White
In Memory of Bill White: This collection includes a poem and numerous memory prompts with pictures from our beloved member Bill White. It shares heartfelt tributes and cherished memories, celebrating his life and his significant contributions to our institute. Bill was an integral part of our community, and this tribute reflects his lasting impact on all of us. His legacy will endure in our hearts and minds.