- The Significance of Scientific Research for Bioenergetics | Christa D. Ventling
- The Efficacy of Bioenergetic Analysis as a Method of Psychotherapy | Ulrich Gudat
- Efficacy of Bioenergetic Therapies and Stability of the Therapeutic Result: A Retrospective Investigation | Christa D. Ventling
- What do human bodies tell us? In Search of statistically significant empirical confirmation for the “Language of the Body”. A Study in Bioenergetic Body-Diagnostics | Margit Koemeda-Lutz & Hans Peter
- The Role of Sensory Styles in Psychotherapy: Synopsis of Research | Vincentia S. Schroeter
- Psychobiology of Affects: Implications for a Somatic Psychotherapy | Helen Resnick-Sannes
- Looking at Physical and Relational Development from the Point of View of What is Natural: Grounding - From Father and from Mother, Centering, Facing | Beatriz de Almeida Rego Saboya
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