Биоэнергетический анализ
Клинический журнал
Международного Института Биоэнергетического Анализа
(2022) Выпуск 32
Перевод Екатерины Гайдай
Литературный редактор Мария Ремизова
Редактор Ангелина Сарматова (СБТ)
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Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.30820/0743-4804-2022-3
Russian version / Русская версия
- Letter from the Editor | Maê Nascimento
- Honoring Bennett Shapiro | Lynn Greenhough, Odila Weigand, Vita Heinrich-Clauer & Garry Cockburn
- Pluralities | Maria Cristina Francisco | Keywords: body, plurality, diversity, emotion, transformation
- Pride and Prejudice | Thomas Heinrich | Keywords: homonegativity, transnegativity, narcissism, hetero-centric, cis-centered
- Basic principles, Fundamental Concepts and Values in Bioenergetic Analysis | Louise Fréchette | Keywords: organic pulsation, character structure, grounding, authenticity
- Winds of Change | Vincentia Schroeter | Keywords: Bioenergetics, attachment, self psychology, trauma, polyvagal
- Bioenergetics Going Forward | Susan Kanor | Keywords: prejudice, domination, suffering, chaos, social clinics
- Thinking About Bioenergetic Analysis Today | Guy Tonella | Keywords: homeostasis, adaptation, emotion as regulating factor
- Bodies In Disassociation: Microaggressions and Re-traumatization | Helen Resneck-Sannes | Keywords: disassociation, microaggression, racism, bias, re-traumatization, empathy
- "Reconnection" | Scott Baum | Keywords: connection, re-connection, autism, borderline and schizophrenic personality organizations
- The Physical Dynamics of Primitive States | Garry Cockburn | Keywords: primitive states of mind, theory of mind, physical dynamics, sensation, ESMER
- Clinical Considerations Regarding the Use of Touch in Psychotherapy | Diana Guest & Janet Parker | Keywords: use of touch in psychotherapy, somatic psychotherapy, ethical issues, types of therapeutic touch
- You Are Your Body | Christoph Helferich | Keywords: western dualism, phenomenology, lived body, embodiment, nurturing contact
- The ESMER Model | Guy Tonella | Keywords: self, complexification, ESMER, interconnections, interpersonal