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IIBA Journal - 1.1 - 1984 [EN]

IIBA Journal - 1.1 - 1984 [EN]

What Is Bioenergetic Analysis?   pdf 1 s  
Alexander Lowen

Two Brief Essays    pdf 1 s   html sml
Alexander Lowen

Un Moment Therapeutique Priviligie
Jacques Berliner

A Brief Note on Work With a Borderline Patient
Peter Bruce

The Individual in the Couple: Fusion
Philip M. Helfaer

A Case of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Jack McIntyre

Movement and Exploration of the True Self
Lynne Parsons

Perversion: The Struggle Between God and the Devil
Joyce Silver

A Psychosomatic Case Vignette pdf
Ed Svasta

- Review -
Narcissism: Denial of the True Self,
by Alexander Lowen
An Appreciation,
by Frederick A. Braucher


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