26th IIBA International Conference | A heart-opening experience
Bioenergetics is people who, through the vibration of their vibrating hearts, create a field of beauty and a space for deep learning about themselves and the world.
In our bioenergetic analysis training, we talk a lot about how, in the course of our development, the heart full of feeling becomes separated from our thoughts, how the pelvis filled with attraction becomes disconnected from the passionate heart...and how we can help restore the natural flow of energy.
When thousands of kilometers of African land and Atlantic Ocean waters extended beneath the wing of the plane, I could not have imagined how amazing the experience of attending the IIBA International Conference would turn out to be.
The very act of hugging your therapist for the first time, attending live supervision, meeting, hugging, listening to presentations together and dancing together on the beach with those you had only known through a zoom window up to that very moment was a connecting and heart-opening experience.
In the most polar months of the year, when the temperature differ between Moscow and Brazil reaches 50 degrees Celsius, winter here and hot summer there, I feel that my heart is stays warm and now synchronized with the heartbeat frequency of my beloved friends, respected trainers and all the incredible people who are continuing the work of Alexander Lowen and making a new history of bioenergetic analysis in their talented seminars, master classes and scientific papers.
Thank you dear colleagues, see you live and online!
Nadezhda Artemeva | Moscow Training Group | iibamoscow23@gmail.com