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IIBA Journal - 18 - 2008 [EN]

IIBA Journal - 18 - 2008 [EN]

Our Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis is publsihed in our new e-library.

Read the Clinical Journal here ... 

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.30820/0743-4804-2008-18

1. Letter from the Editor | Vincentia Schroeter

2. Standing On Both Legs: A Bioenergetic Perspective on the Family, Gender Roles and the Development of the Self in the 21st CenturyGarry Cockburn | Keywords: Hermeneutics, Otherness of the Embodied Self, Social Ethics

3. Paradigms for Bioenergetic Analysis at the Dawn of the 21st CenturyGuy Tonella | Keywords: Bioenergetic Analysis, Paradigms, Self, Attachment, Intersubjective

4. Your Core Energy is Within Your GraspBennett Shapiro | Keywords: Boundary, charge, contain, energetic, exercises

5. Fathers are the Dark Matter of the Psychic UniverseScott Baum | Keywords: Fathers, fathering, men, masculine development

6. Bioenergetic Analysis and Contemporary Psychotherapy: Further ConsiderationsAngela Klopstech | Keywords: neuroscience, limbic system, optimal arousal level, mirror neurons, body-oriented interventions

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