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Social Work - Meeting Point with black women and men

  • Author: Maria Cristina Francisco
  • Date - Year (yyyy): 2019
  • Language(s): English

Maria Cristina Francisco: Clinical Psychologist, CBT from the Institute of Bioenergetic Analysis in São Paulo (Instituto de Análise Bioenergética de São Paulo) since 2008. Psychotherapist in Biosynthesis and coordinator of AMMA Psyche and Blackness Institute (Instituto AMMA Psique e Negritude).


The proposal to create the group came about when we noticed in the clinic the loneliness of black people in the face of the lack of space in the family, friends, professionals or groups to share their suffering lived by the experience of racism.

The present work aims to provide a space of conversation, exchange of ideas and reflections of blackness in order to strengthen identity.

In Brazil little is said about the issue of race relations. The secular experience of racism and the current invisibility of its psychosocial effects are a sequence of traumatic experiences that characterizes the experiences of racism as a psychic and corporal trauma (somatic and energetic). We intend to enable the emotional expression, often disguised, aiding in the understanding and relief of psychic suffering through bodily movements.

Knowing our defensive patterns leads us to aware our chronic muscular tensions. 

The individual space is respected allowing the rescue of the unique being in this world.



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