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Development of Modern Bioenergetic Analysis

  • Author: Diana Guest, Jan Parker, Susan L. Williams
  • Date - Year (yyyy): 2019
  • Language(s): English

Development of Modern Bioenergetic Analysis

By Diana Guest, Jan Parker and Susan L. Williams
(Journal of Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy Volume 14, 2019 - Issue 4)

The field of somatic psychotherapy has grown greatly over the past thirty years. Bioenergetic Analysis, founded by Alexander Lowen and John Pierrakos in the 1950s, was one of the first such modalities. Bioenergetic Analysis has grown and changed over the years, especially in the areas of attachment and attunement by the therapist, the understanding based on neuro psychology of the difference in working with clients with different levels of self-regulation, and the research into common factors that predict positive treatment outcomes. This article describes modern bioenergetic theory and practice with both a theoretical discussion and case vignettes.



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