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IIBA Journal - 12 - 2001 [EN]

IIBA Journal - 12 - 2001 [EN]

Dedication - James A Miller pdf

Notes on Intimate Connections pdf
David J. Finlay

Challenging the Field-An Introduction to a Therapist's Case Forum
Ron Robbins

From Steel Ingot to Dog Collar to Medal of Honor: Hammering out Freedom
Carolyn Law

The Boundary Exercise Revisited
Elizabeth Rablen

Psychiatric Iatrogenesis
Mark J. Sicherman

Carl Rogers: Body-Centered Psychotherapist
Peter S. Fernald

The Body of Shame: Character and Play pdf
John Conger

Current Trends on BioenergeticTherapy, Brazil pdf
Odila Weigand

Bioenergetic Analysis, Voice and Singing
Dario Fainsrain

About the Difficulty of Singing a Scale-Reflections on the Interrelation Between Ego and Body Organizations
Jens Tasche

Developing Undiscovered Sources of Bioenergetic Analysis pdf     in Russian Russia pdf
Rainer Mahr


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