Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Bioenergetische Analyse und Therapie
The energy concept is constitutive to our psychotherapy approach and is included in our brand name. On November 12th 2022 the Swiss Society, SGBAT, offered a training day on this topic in Zürich.
On that day a physicist provided a natural science exposition of the concept. One of our members extended this definition to energetic phenomena in living organisms. Prof. Ulfried Geuter then discussed the hermaphrodite aspects of the concept between phenomenology and the natural sciences. Other members from our Society elaborated on Daniel Stern’s “Forms of Vitality”, as well as on the relevance of the energy concept in our clinical work. Experiential sequences were included.
The SGBAT has elected two new local trainers as coordinators for a new training group:
- Lic. phil. Sabina Kunz and
- Dr. med. Thomas Fellmann
The present coordinating trainer, Dr.soc. Margit Koemeda, will retire after the trainees’ certification of the current group (11 members). This program will end in 2024. Certification processes may take another two years to complete.