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IIBA Journal - 26 - 2016 [EN]

IIBA Journal - 26 - 2016 [EN]

Russian version / Русская версия     Russia

Our Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis is publsihed in our new e-library.

Read this Clinical Journal here ...

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.30820/0743-4804-2016-26

1. Letter from the Editor | Vincentia Schroeter

2. Polyvagal Theory - Introduction for Somatic Psychotherapy | Vincentia Schroeter | Keywords: polyvagal, neuroception, autonomic nervous system, sympathetic, social engagement system, vagal brake, portals

3. On Falling, Holding, and GroundingGerald Periman | Keywords: bioenergetic analysis, early trauma, fear of falling, grounding, hang-ups, holding

4. Elements of Comprehending Change-Processes in BA: From Isolated Self-Regulation to Interactive Regulation: Embodied Resonance (Empathy) and Physical EncounterJoerg Clauer | Keywords: embodied resonance, fragmented self-experience, mutual developmental process, physical cooperation, “primary triangle”

5. The Alchemy of GroundJohn Conger | Keywords: paleo-anthropologists, bones, alchemy, ground, homeland, tree, mineral

6. Searching for Active Factors in Diverse Approaches to Psychotherapy - Types of Intervention and Temporal Aspects (Brief Research Report)Margit Koemeda-Lutz, Aureliano Crameri, Peter Schulthess, Agnes von Wyl & Voiker Tschuschke | Keywords: naturalistic process outcome study, treatment effectiveness research, synopsis, psychotherapy approaches

7. Body Resonance and the VoiceVita Heinrich-Clauer | Keywords: bioenergetic vocal expression, vocal discharge, charging-containing, tonicity


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