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Shame, binge eating and bioenergetic analysis

  • Author: Janet Pinneau
  • Date - Year (yyyy): 2018
  • Language(s): English, Portuguese

by : Janet Pinneau

As a Marriage and Family Therapist certified in, and practicing, Bioenergetic Analysis, I identify myself as a body-mind and somatic relational psychotherapist. Considering my background as an athlete, my training in Bioenergetic Analysis, my inclusion of the body in the work I do as a psychotherapist, and in the personal growth I continue to pursue as a client, the human body is critical to my foundation. This paper began as a presentation at the Professional Development Workshop (PDW) in Bahia, Brazil in 2018 with the thesis that successful treatment of binge eating disorder and the shame that exacerbates it, must include a somatic relational therapeutic approach that invites the afflicted to improve interpersonal skills and develop a positive relationship with their body and eating. Re-covery from eating disorders with this approach eliminates using eating as a method to check out of one’s body, and introduces groundedness and “being seen” to enable regulation and soothing. Bioenergetic Analysis as a treatment for binge eating disorder has the potential to provide longterm success by including the body in treatment. I conclude this paper with the description of a technique that I demonstrated at the PDW.

From the time of my presentation on this topic at the October 2018 Bioenergetic PDW I have delved deeper into the field of intuitive eating and body acceptance and understand that as “body psychotherapists,” Bioenergetic Analysis, as a field, must evolve to embrace the body “as okay at every size” and overcome the bias of diet culture that many psychother-apists engage in without awareness or intention. The acceptance of every client that enters our offices, without bias towards their bodies is paramount.

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