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Quantitative Studies including Bioenergetic Analysis [EN]

- Courtesy of the Swiss Society for Bioenergetic Analysis (SGBAT) -

Therapist Effects on Treatment Outcome in Psychotherapy: A Multilevel Modelling Analysis 
Berglar, J., Crameri, A., von Wyl, A., Koemeda-Lutz, M., Köhler, M., Staczan, P., Schulthess, P. & Tschuschke, V. (2016).
pdf 1 s

Sensitivity analysis in multiple imputation in effectiveness studies of psychotherapy.
Crameri, A., von Wyl, A., Koemeda-Lutz, M., Schulthess, P. & Tschuschke, V. (2015).
Front. Psychol., 27 July 2015
Online version

The Brief Symptom Inventory and the Outcome Questionnaire-45 in the Assessment of the Outcome Quality of Mental Health Interventions
Crameri, A., Schuetz, C., Andreae, A., Koemeda-Lutz, M., Schulthess, P., Tschuschke, V. & von Wyl, A. (2016).
Psychiatry Journal, Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 7830785, 14 pages
Online version
Online version

What do Human Bodies Tell us? In Search of Statistically Significant Empirical Confirmation for “The Language of the Body”. A Study in Bioenergetic Body Diagnostics.
Koemeda-Lutz M & Peter H (2001).
Bioenergetic Analysis – The Clinical Journal of the IIBA 2002, 13 (1) 77-94. Original Paper: Psychotherapie Forum 2001 (9) 51-61.

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Body Psychotherapy in Outpatient Settings. A Multi-Center Study in Germany and Switzerland.
Koemeda-Lutz M., Kaschke, M.,Revenstorf, D.,Scherrmann, T.,Weiss, H. und Soeder, U. (2006).
Pp. 513 – 532 in: Heinrich V (2011, Ed.) Handbook Bioenergetic Analysis. Original Paper in: Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie PPmP 56: 480-487

Therapists’ Interventions in Different Psychotherapy Approaches: Category and Temporal Aspects.
Koemeda-Lutz, M., Crameri, A., Tschuschke, V., Schulthess, P., & von Wyl, A. (2016).
International Body Psychotherapy Journal 15 (1), 37-65 .
pdf 1 s

Searching for Active Factors in Diverse Approaches to Psychotherapy – Types of Intervention and Temporal Aspects – Brief Research Report.
Koemeda-Lutz, M., Crameri, A., Schulthess, P., von Wyl, A. & Tschuschke, V. (2016).
In Bioenergetic Analysis, 26, 119-136.

Specificity and Pace Variability of Therapists’ Interventions under Naturalistic Conditions.
Koemeda-Lutz, M., Crameri, A., Schulthess, P., von Wyl, A., Tschuschke V. (2016 ).
International Journal for Psychotherapy 20 (1), 19-50
pdf 1 s

Effects of sex and gender in ten types of psychotherapy.
Staczan, P., Schmuecker, R., Koehler, M., Berglar, J., Crameri, A., von Wyl, A., Koemeda-Lutz, M., Schulthess, P. & Tschuschke, V. (2015).
In: Psychotherapy Research • August 2015

Fundamental Reflections on Psychotherapy Research and Initial Results of the Naturalistic Psychotherapy Study on Outpatient Treatment in Switzerland – PAP-S.
Tschuschke V, Crameri A, Koemeda-Lutz M, Schulthess P, von Wyl A, Weber R (2010).
International Journal for Psychotherapy: Journal of the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP) 14 (3) Nov 2010, 23 -35
pdf 1 s

Rating Manual for the Objective Evaluation of Therapeutic Interventions of Psychotherapists based on Various Theoretical Concepts.
Tschuschke V, Koemeda-Lutz M, Schlegel M (2014).
Zürich, Schriftenreihe der Schweizer Charta für Psychotherapie, Bd. 3
ISSN: 1664-395X
ISBN: 978-3-9523782-2-9
pdf 1 sEnglish      pdf 1 sGerman

The role of therapists' treatment adherence, professional experience, therapeutic alliance, and clients' severity of psychological problems: Prediction of treatment outcome in eight different psychotherapy approaches. Preliminary results of a naturalistic study.
Tschuschke, V., Crameri, A., Koehler, M., Berglar, J., Muth, K., Staczan, P., von Wyl, A., Schulthess, P. & Koemeda-Lutz, M. (2015).
Psychotherapy Research, vol 25, issue 4, 2015, p 420-434.
Online version:  +

Efficacy of Bioenergetic Psychotherapy with Patients of Known ICD-Diagnosis. A Retrospective Evaluation.
Ventling, C. D., Bertschi, H. & Gerhard, U. (2006)
Pp 499-512 in: Heinrich V (2011, Ed.) Handbook Bioenergetic Analysis. Original Paper in: Psychotherapeut  2006, 51 (5) 346-353.

The PAP-S (Practice of Ambulant Psycho-therapy-Study), Switzerland: Study Design and Feasibility.
von Wyl, A., Crameri, A., Koemeda, M. Tschuchke, V. & Schulthess, P. (Revised edition, 2016).
Online version
Online version


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