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Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Body-Psychotherapy in Out-Patient Settings [DE, EN]

  • Author: Margit Koemeda-Lutz
  • Date - Year (yyyy): 2006
  • Language(s): English, German

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A multicentered study in Germany and Switzerland (2006).

Authors: Margit Koemeda-Lutz, Martin Kaschke, Dirk Revenstorf, Thomas Scherrmann, Halko Weiss, Ulrich Soeder

In: Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie PPmP 56: 480-487
Online-Version (14 Seiten)

Preliminary Results Concerning the Effectiveness of Body Psychotherapies in Outpatient Settings – A Multi-Center Study in Germany and Switzerland

Preliminary results of an outcome study on routine applications of body psychotheapy in outpatient settings are reported.  Out of 38 member institutions of the European Association for Body Psychotherapy (EABP) 8 are participating in this study.  At 3 points of measurement (at the beginning, after 6 months, and at the end of therapy) established questionaires (e.g.Beck Anxiety INventory, Beck Depression Inventory, Symptom Check List-90-R, Inventory of Interpersonal Problems-D) were answered by patients.  Patients in body-psychotherapeutic treatment (n=157) are compared to other outpatient psychotherapeutic patients with regard to socio-demographic data, level of impairment and psychopathology.

After 6 months of therapy patients (N=78) have significantly improved with small to moderate intraclass effect sizes.  AFter two years of treatment, large effect sizes are attained in all scales (N=21), the data base presently available for this latter result still being small.

Results from a multi-center evaluation study of body-psychotherapies are reported.

The design is naturalistic and evaluates the effectiveness of routine applications of body-psychotherapy in outpatient settings. 3 German and 5 Swiss member institutes of the European Association for Body Psychotherapy (EABP: 38 members) participated, the Swiss institutes also being members of the Schweizer Charta für Psychotherapie. At three points of measurement (at intake, after 6 months and at the end of therapy [after two years at maximum]) well established questionnaires (e. g. BAI, BDI, SCL-90-R, IIP-D) were administered. Meanwhile we also have catamnestic data at 1 year after termination of therapy (n = 42). Patients who seek body-psychotherapeutic treatment (n = 342 participated in the study) compare to other outpatient psychotherapeutic patients concerning sociodemographic data, level of impairment and psychopathology. After six months of therapy (n = 253) these patients have significantly improved with small to moderate intraclass effect sizes. At the end of therapy or after two years of treatment at maximum (n = 160) large effect sizes are attained in all scales. These are lasting results according to catamnestic data (n = 42). This naturalistic prospective field study claims to supply evidence for the effectiveness of the evaluated body-psychotherapeutic methods and to classify as phase IV- („routine application”) and level I-evidence.


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