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Embodiment of shame and attachment theory contributions

  • Author: Eliane Regina Marques
  • Date - Year (yyyy): 2018
  • Language(s): English, Portuguese

by Eliane Regina Marques

This article, based on the concepts of Attachment Theory and psy-cho-corporeal vision, aims to broaden the understanding of shame emotion in the contemporary clinic. The present society has been called “society of the spectacle”, in which people have to stand out and appear to guarantee their existence, acceptance and inclusion. In clinical practice, one of the great obstacles and reason for extreme suffering of modern man has been to get in touch with the emotion of shame. It is a common sentiment to all mankind, its origin comes from the narcissistic experience, functioning as one of the main regulators of morality and social relations. That is, to un-derstand shame is, in a sense, to understand human nature. After concep-tualizing shame, let us dwell on its implications in relationships and im-merse in its psychodynamics, as well as punctuate the differences between shame and guilt. On the theory of attachment, I will make a historical view, point out the main concepts and classify the types of attachment. In the end I will make the connection between body and shame from the point of view of Bioenergetic Analysis.

Keywords : shame, attachment theory, body, bioenergetic analysis

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