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Message received regarding the statement titled "Our hearts goes out to our IIBA Israeli members" sent on October 24, 2023:

Sender: Susana Sachetti on behalf of the EHABE Board of Directors

Foreword: We would like this letter to be published in the newsletter.

Title: Open letter to the BoT of the IIBA

Message as received on November 2, 2023: Dear colleagues of the Board of Trustees of the International Institute of Bioenergetic Analysis: We are writing to you from EHABE, Association of Bioenergetic Analysis of the Basque Country, in relation to the letter sent to all members on October 24, in relation to the terrible situation in the Middle East, specifically the situation created after Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel. We want to show our total disagreement with the letter sent and request its rectification. We explain below the reasons for our disagreement and our request: 1. The IIBA has never commented on any war conflict. It has not done so about the invasion of Ukraine, nor about the deadly war in Syria, nor about the invasion of Iraq, to name just a few of the most clamorous recently. We agree that you have not done so, we believe that it must be so because it is not your responsibility to do so: it is not within your field of competence as specified in IIBA´s bylaws, in section II section purposes, The statement sent by the BoT is a statement of a political nature, arbitrarily exceeding its powers. 2. If, exceptionally, the BoT considered necessary a political statement in this conflict, so risky and so sensitive for so many nations and so many individuals, willing to adopt it, it should have been agreed upon with the Associations that constitute the IIBA. But it has not been that way. 3. If you had consulted us, we would have said that the letter sent shows, in our opinion, a great disregard for one part of the conflict: the Palestinian people, whom it does not even name and in which there are also many human beings who suffer. We think that it is not convenient to enter into this type of pronouncements, but, if exceptionally it were to be made, it is necessary that it be done in humanitarian and sensitive terms to the suffering of any human being, not just a part of them. For all these reasons, we request a prompt rectification in this broad and humanitarian sense.


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