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Honoring Alexander Lowen

Honoring Alexander Lowen

It's hard to believe that 10 years have passed since Alexander Lowen's passing.

Alexander Lowen still lives strongly in our memories. Leslie Case said in the memorial event 2009: "Alexander Lowen gave us so much. He lived life on his own terms, he was a simple man, he was a giant in the field ofmental health, a mentor and collegue ... He was furious, he was kind, he was radical in his theories, he was conservetive in his habits, he was a mortal man, he was someone who's contributions will life after him."

We want to share with you some articles, summarized in the eBook Honoring Alexander Lowen, that furthered Lowen’s pioneering work in the field of body psychotherapy and many of the speeches of the memorial Celebrating Alexander Lowen from April 3-4, 2019 (New York, USA).
With gratitude and appreciation we would like to thank again all those involved in the eBook Honoring Alexander Lowen and in the Memorial Event Celebrating Alexander Lowen.

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