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IIBA Journal - 5.2 - 1993 [EN]

IIBA Journal - 5.2 - 1993 [EN]

Sexuality: From Reich to the Present
by Alexander Lowen

Orgastic Potency: Fact or Fiction
Miki Frank

Castration, Acculturation and “The End of Days”
Ronal Robbins

Reconnecting with the Body: Bioenergetic Treatment for Abuse
Frank Hladky

Sexual Abuse: The Body Remembers Even When the Mind Does Not
Angela Klopstech

When We Are Accused
Virginia Wink Hilton

Orgasm Reflex: That Elusive Experience
Ed Svasta

Sexuality: Support of the Self-Betrayal of the Ego
Robert Hilton

Healing the Sexual Split between Tenderness and Aggression
Bennet Shapiro

The Therapist's Use of Self
Leonard A. Carlino

The Numbskull pdf
by Melanie Wolf and Jane Ahlfeld

BOOK REVIEWS            
Natural Vision Improvement, by Janet Goodrich
reviewed by MARY ANNE BRIGHT
What to Do until Enlightenment: Healing Ourselves-Healing the Earth, by Stuart Alpert
reviewed by FRANK HLADKY
Planetarietà: Program for the Realization of a Project for Planetary Man, by Ezio Zucconi Mazzini and Gilberta Alpa    
reviewed by RONALD ROBBINS
The Power of Countertransference: Innovations in Analytic Technique, by Karen Maroda    
Beyond Countertransference: The Therapist's Subjectivity in the Therapeutic Process,by Joseph Natterson    

SHORT ITEMS                
Three Poems: Dream; Sprichstimme; Poet
by Ellen Green
A Poem: Notes to a Therapist by Karla
by Barbara FINLEY JAMES       


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