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Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.30820/0743-4804-2010-20
- Letter from the Editor | Vincentia Schroeter
- Memorial Notes about Alexander Lowen | Guy Tonella, Helen Resneck-Sannes, Bob Lewis, Vivian Guze, Heiner Steckel, Alice Ladas, George Downing, Bob Hilton, Eleanor Greenlee & Phil Helfaer
- Memorial Note about David J. Finlay | Maê Nascimento
- Notes on Intimate Connections | David J. Finlay
- Trusting the Wisdom of the Failing Body - From Well-Being to Illness: A Journey towards Wholeness | Louise Fréchette
- Bioenergetic Analysis and Community Therapy - Expanding the Paradigm | Mariano Pedroza | Keywords: Bioenergetic Analysis, Community Therapy, Culture, Social webs, Grounding, Autonomy
- The Impact of Gender on Subjectivity | Fina Pla | Keywords: Social Construct, Binary Functioning, Relational Matrix, Micromachismos, Liquid Love