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IIBA Journal - 17 - 2007 [EN]

IIBA Journal - 17 - 2007 [EN]

Our Clinical Journal of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis is publsihed in our new e-library

Read the Clinical Journal here ...

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.30820/0743-4804-2007-17

1. Editorial Note | Margit Koemeda-Lutz

2. Energetic Dimensions of Trauma TreatmentDavid J. Finlay | Keywords: Energetics, Developmental and Shock Trauma, Embodiment, Metaphors, Vision, Processing

3. The Embodied MindHelen Resneck-Sannes | Key Words: Attachment, Bioenergetics, Brain, Embodied, Empathy, Mirror Neurons, Neurobiology, Trauma

4. Shame in the Light of Sex and Self-RespectPhilip M. Helfaer | Keywords: Treatment of Shame, Bioenergetic Analysis, Self-Respect, Bioenergetic Therapy of Shame, Self-Hate System

5. Sensitivity Training during Pregnancy: Key to Bonding and Possible Prevention of Neurosis of the Child?Christa D. Ventling | Keywords: Pregnant clients, sensitivity training, awareness exercises, newborn signals and body language, bonding quality

6. Embodied Comprehension: Treatment of Psychosomatic Disorders in Bioenergetic AnalysisJörg Clauer | Keywords: Psychosomatic dissociation, basic creation of an embodied self, self-efficacy or agency, parent-body, implicit intersubjective knowledge, triangulation, balance disc, rope, teething ring

7. Bioenergetics in search of a secure SelfRobert Lewis | Keywords: Attachment, secure base, avoidant, shock, dissociated, psychosomatic unity

8. Living On Purpose: Reality, Unreality and the Life of the BodyScott Baum | Keywords: Borderline personality, organization, soul-murder, unreality, psychosis


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