强烈的情感 深度的身体工作 精神和人际动力彼此之间的关系
主作者:Scott Baum博士,ABPP美国职业心理学委员会成员 | 联合作者:Vivian Guze; DanitaHall, LCSW; AnitaMadden, MSN; Ron Panvini, Ph.D.; EmmaRhoads, LCSW; JodiSchneider, LP, LMHC;Judy Silberstein, LCSW;Elaine Tuccillo,Ph.D. | 版权:纽约躯体动力分析学会,2011
The relationship between strong affect, deep bodywork, and psychic and interpersonal dynamics
Principal author: Scott Baum, Ph.D. ABPP | In collaboration with Vivian Guze; Danita Hall, LCSW; Anita Madden, MSN; Ron Panvini, Ph.D.; Emma Rhoads, LCSW; Jodi Schneider, LP, LMHC;
Judy Silberstein, LCSW; Elaine Tuccillo, Ph.D. | Copyright: New York Society for Bioenergetic Analysis, 2011
无论今天的实践,还是过去100多年的历史,心理学都是一个转化的介体(medium of transformation)。 个人来做心理治疗,是寻求能够管理——当然如果可能的话——疗愈痛和苦,希望获得对自己内心苦恼、难过、困惑、冲突的明白和解脱。 心理治疗的革命性核心,在于它的根本技术和目标——觉知自己(self-awareness)。 最好情况发生的话,心理治疗可以把改变放于来访者手中,并发生于身体。 通过明白自己,自然发展出相信自己、确认自己和自主选择的可能性,来访者于是被赋能采取那些使得生活更富意义、更真、更享受的措施。 躯体动力分析(Bioenergetic Analysis)建立于这一革命性传统的1950年代早期。扎根地觉知自己,那时及现在,都是转化和疗愈的根本方法。这是躯体动力分析核心以及辐散的重点。随着躯体动力分析不断进化,“帮助正在发展中的来访者在他/她自己生活中成为改变媒介”这一信念已经通过整合现代概念和技术更为深刻地融合进来。
Psychotherapy, as it is practiced today and for the last 100 years, is a medium of transformation. Individuals come to psychotherapy seeking to manage and, if possible, to heal their pain and suffering, hoping to find understanding of and refuge from inner torment, grief, confusion and conflict. The revolutionary core of psychotherapy is in its fundamental technique and goal of self-awareness. Psychotherapy, at its best, places change in the hands and body of the person. Through self-knowledge, leading to self-confidence, self-assertiveness and the possibility for autonomous choice, the person is empowered to take those steps that will make life more meaningful, more truthful, and more pleasurable. Bioenergetic Analysis was founded in the early 1950’s in this revolutionary tradition. Grounded self-awareness was then, and is now, the fundamental method of transformation and healing. This is its central and radical emphasis. As Bioenergetics has evolved, the belief in helping the develoing person to become the change agent in his or her own life has become more profoundly embraced through an integration of modern concepts and technique.