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Research Committee: Funds Granted


At the end of 2022, we held the first Call for Financial Support for research initiatives. We are thrilled to share the exciting news of the latest Research Grants granted to exceptional individuals and teams across our global community.

  • We are supporting 2 publications of case studies carried out in Germany and in Italy (details pending to be signed).
  • 1 grant is given to support a survey that will be carried out in Brazil.
  • The 4th research grant supports an initiative for improving the presence and visibility of the Latin American Journal of Body Psychology.

We encourage all passionate and dedicated researchers to seize the next opportunity to turn their ideas into reality and contribute to the advancement of knowledge and innovation. By collaborating and pushing the boundaries of what we know, we can collectively address the complex challenges of our modality of psychotherapy.

Stay tuned for further updates and detailed guidelines, which will be provided in subsequent newsletters and through our official channels.

Research Committee | Alexandre Franca Barreto, Livia Agresti, Ann L-K Coleman, Maria Rosaria Filoni, Margit Lutz-Koemeda (Advisor), Vita Heinrich-Clauer (Advisor)


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