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IIBA Journal - 30 - 2020 [EN]

IIBA Journal - 30 - 2020 [EN]

Russian version / Русская версия     Russia

Our Clinical Journals of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis are published in our e-library

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.30820/0743-4804-2020-30

Read the Clinical Journal 2020 here ...

1. The Other as Potential Enemy
    Madness is a rare thing in individuals, but in groups, parties, peoples and ages it is the rule
    -Professor Luigi Zoja-
    Key words: paranoia, archetypal, collective paranoia, socially contagious, mass media

2. The Face and Body of the Other
    -Garry Cockburn-
    Key words: archetypal, problem of evil, Oedipus complex, the feminine, “otherness”

3. Encountering the Shadow – Working with Negativity in the Therapeutic Process 
    -Dr. Vita Heinrich-Clauer-
    Key words: negativity, Gollum, externalization, vocal expression, tongue

4. Life Force: The Source of Self-Regulation, Love and Bonding - The Therapeutic Functions It Underlies
    -Guy Tonella-
    Key words: life force, regulatory homeostasis, ESMER functions, therapist’ functions

5. The Challenge is “Now” and “In the Future” for Bioenergetic Analysis
    -Patrizia Moselli-
    Key words: character, complexity, defense, energy, planetary humanism

6. Love as Regulator of the Life Force
    -Pye Bowden-
    Key words: love, homeostasis, primordial feelings, heart, coherence

7. When My Body Fails Me: Therapy for Women with Infertility
    -Leslie Ann Costello-
    Key words: infertility, maternal mental health, pregnancy loss, assisted reproductive technology, mothering

 Journal2020 Attention

Please note the Errata in the 2020 Journal:

The author of the article **When My Body Fails Me** is **Leslie Ann Costello** (not Leslie Case). The Editorial Team apologises to Leslie Ann Costello for this error. 

You may paste the corrections into your Journal as the PDF pages are identical in size to your Journal. We apologise once again to the author for this error.

Please download the corrections.

(May 2020)




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