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IIBA Journal - 5.1 - 1992 [EN]

IIBA Journal - 5.1 - 1992 [EN]

  1. Ego, Character and Sexuality | Alexander Lowen
  2. A New View of Countertransference | Gabriella Buti Zaccagnini
  3. Bioenergetic Work with Children: Experiences in a Child Psychiatric Unit | Arnt W. Halsen
  4. Invisibility and Character | Martin H. Astor
  5. The Eyes and Sexuality: A Personal Tale | Leslie Case | pdf
  6. The Armoring of Our Eyes | John Bellis
  7. Fusion and Confusion in Alzheimer's Disease | Edith Fournier | pdf
  8. Book Review: The Golden Guru: The Strange Journey of Shree Rajneesh, by J. D. Gordon | Alexander Lowen
  9. Book Review: Lifestreams: An Introduction to Biosynthesis, by David Boadella | Leonard A. Carlino 
  10. Book Review: Rhythmic Integration: Finding  Wholeness in the Cycle of Change, by Ronald Robbins | Frank Hladky
  11. Book Review: Heartsearch: Toward healing Lupus, by Donna Hamil Talman | Lyn Mayo
  12. Book Review: Jung and Reich: The Body as Shadow, by John P. Conger | Robert C. Ware
  13. Short Item: A Poem: No Forgetting | Shawna V. Carboni


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