Three workshops are proposed for the Pre-Conference.
6 hours duration : from 10:00 am to1:00 pm - and - from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
WS 2 : The Therapist’s Body, a Handrail in the Eye of the Cyclone
By Violaine de Clerck
This workshop will explore the gold of bioenergetics analysis: the inner therapist body-mind-organic depth of connection and availability.
As a starting point I will present a view that help us to integrate bioenergetic analysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy methods and techniques. This model underlies the IIBA curriculum 2025, and the inclusion of relational reparative practice, and the recognition of the therapist as a therapeutic person.
Living more and more in this way of working led me to develop a specific new foundation of being a therapeutic person by offering a deep “limbic to limbic system” organic connection. This relational level develops beyond our conscious will.
It will be my great pleasure to share and transmit some of my experience, lead you in therapeutic experiences that could help you to reach those levels of inner connections that this approach to somatopsychic psychotherapeutic work provides, and facilitate growth in your being as a bioenergetic therapist.
WS 3 : Transference and Relational Dynamics in Bioenergetic Analysis: Integrating Psychoanalytic Theories with the Energetic Self
By Danita Hall and Paola Alessio
This one day experiential workshop will explore how bioenergetic therapy utilizes principles and theoretical concepts shared with other psychodynamic psychoanalytic approaches, in a process that values live, energetic, felt experience as the vehicle for uncovering unconscious (affect)emotions and motivations which form relational bonds
Within this paradigm the conscious and unconscious dimensions of the Self are understood as a whole body phenomenon. Internal objects and self-states that comprise internal experience are not only mental representations but are emotional- energetic forces that carry vital personal meanings. This has great significance for the bioenergetic therapist in how we understand and appreciate the deeper importance of the transference and the counter-transference as well as providing a means of using therapeutic containment in the work of decoding the patient’s unconscious communications.
Come join us for an exciting foray into encountering and developing these dynamic considerations for yourself and your patients in your practice.
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