October 8-12, 2025 - Atlanta, GA, USA
Experience the power of Bioenergetic Analysis and uncover the
Uniqueness of Bioenergetic Analysis
Synthesizing Psychoanalytic and Contemporary Perspectives in the Embodied Practice
at our 27th IIBA International Conference!
Dive into a world where body and psyche intersect, revealing untapped potentials for healing and growth.
Stay tuned and don't miss this opportunity to delve into the heart of Bioenergetic Analysis
and uncover the transformative power of embodied healing.
What is Bioenergetic Analysis?

Bioenergetic Analysis is a specific form of body-psychotherapy, based upon the continuity between body and mind, rooted in the work of Wilhelm Reich and founded by Alexander Lowen. Bioenergetic Analysis is a unique and effective relational somatic psychotherapy with a long and established history on the cutting edge of modern psychology as rapid advance in neurobiology highlights the intricate and intimate relationship between body and mind.
How can Bioenergetic Analysis enrich your practice?

What modern Bioenergetic Analysis is able to offer, is the ability to understand and work safely with the whole body and all of its emotions. Bioenergetic therapists work with cognitions, feelings, sensations, the muscular and nervous systems integrating the latest finding in neuroscience.
Bioenergetic therapists work with not only affect regulation but also arousal regulation. Bringing all these dimensions into the therapeutic relationship, also brings greater potential for change and healing.
Join the largest network of Bioenergetic Therapists!

We, the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (IIBA), are a non‑profit professional organization dedicated to the spread of modern Bioenergetic Analysis in the world and to the support and encouragement of its members in their activity as bioenergetic therapists.
Through our mission, modern Bioenergetic Analysis develops and grows. We give support to our members and to the various groups within our global organization (local societies and regional federations). We enhance the work being done at local and regional level to develop our members’ capacities as bioenergetic therapists, and the expansion of modern Bioenergetic Analysis.
How can you become a Certified Bioenergetic Therapist (CBT)?

Our affiliated societies or institutes offer training programs in order to become certified as a bioenergetic therapist by the IIBA. They follow our IIBA comprehensive training curriculum.
While the specifics of each training program vary slightly (reflecting cultural, legal and professional norms around the world), all our training programs are conducted under our direct supervision, leading to certification as a bioenergetic therapist.
All students in our training programs must comply with the our Code of Ethics.
Webinars - Season 2023/24
Webinars - Season 2022/23
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Webinar 1: Narcissism, by Scott Baum
Webinar 2: Shock, trauma, by Robert Coffman
Webinar 3: Somatic Resonance, by Vita Heinrich-Clauer
Webinar 4: Aggression as a Life Force and Grounding as a Life Stabilizer, by Angela Klopstech
Webinar 5: Working with Resistances in Bioenergetic Analysis, by Odila Weigand
Webinar 6 : Couple Therapy in Bioenergetic Analysis by Garet Bedrosian
Click on language bubble to watch the video from Vimeo platform
Bioenergetic Basis: History and evolution of Bioenergetic Analysis by Guy Tonella
Schizoid Structure: An Existential Struggle for the Right to Exist by Louise Fréchette
Oral character: Understanding and Treating the Abandoned Child, by Vincentia Schroeter
Masochistic Character: Struggling to become oneself, by Garry Cockburn
Psychopathic structure: Who accepts you for just being, by Thomas Heinrich
Rigid Character: Description of Phallic to Hysterical Character, by Liane Zink
IIBA Webinars
- Webinar 1: Narcissism by Scott Baum
- Webinar 2: Shock, trauma by Robert Coffman
- Webinar 3: Somatic Resonance by Vita Heinrich-Clauer
- Webinar 4: Aggression as a Life Force and Grounding as a Life Stabilizer by Angela Klopstech
- Webinar 5: Working with Resistances in Bioenergetic Analysis by Odila Weigand
- Webinar 6: Couple Therapy in Bioenergetic Analysis by Garet Bedrosian
The first series of webinars (6 episodes) talks about the principles of Bioenergetic Analysis, and about some character structure types further developed by Alexander Lowen:
- Webinar 1: Bioenergetic Basics by Guy Tonella
- Webinar 2: Schizoid Character by Louise Fréchette
- Webinar 3: Oral Character by Vincentia Schroeter
- Webinar 4: Psychopathic Character by Thomas Heinrich
- Webinar 5: Masochistic Character by Garry Cockburn
- Webinar 6: Rigid Character by Liane Zink