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IIBA Awards - 2019

The IIBA Awards honor the most outstanding papers about Bioenergetic Analysis submitted. The winners (3 categories: research, clinical and social) received a cash prize of 500 € and a free pass to the 25th IIBA International Conference.

In this edtion of the IIBA Awards, 12 papers were submitted:

★ Papers for Research

Livia Savarese (Italy): Mixed-method research on the effectiveness of the process of bioenergetic therapy in fostering embodiment and grounded transformative narratives. - read more ... & see summary ...  
❤ Alexandre Franca Barreto (Brazil): Efficacy of bioenergetics in the health of patients with depressive symptomatology attended by the unified health system: a randomized clinical trial.
❤ Lindervania Dos Santos Silva (Brazil): The approach of bioenergetic analysis and its contributions to the humanization of childbirth care.

★ Papers for Clinical Work

❤ Iana Carolina Maciel Franza (Brazil): A never-ending plight for authentic love - handling schizoid ambivalence. - see summary ...
❤ María Inés García Laredo (Argentina): Vital energy beyond paralysis - bioenergetic work with a physically disabled patient.
❤ Scheila Patricia Nascimento Gomes (Brazil):Packages of the heart: the passage of the medium.  - read more ... & see summary ...
❤ Vicenta Giménez Mollá & Amaia Alejos Martín (Spain): A traumatic event: bioenergetic therapy applied in a company environment. - see summary ...

★ Papers for Social Work

❤ Maria Adélia Piquet Gonçalves Menezes (Brazil): Grounding: the bioenergetic analysis as a support for the young adolescent apprentice in the labor market. - read more ...  & see summary ...
❤ Alexandre Franca Barreto (Brazil): Bioenergetics as a public policy of integrative health.
❤ Ana Alonso Martín Loeches, Nuria Castaño Gutiérrez, Inmaculada Díaz Pérez, María Fresno, Ainoa Martín Sánchez, Mikel Pagola & Blanca Peral Cabrera (Spain): Creation of a new social service in bioenergetic analysis therapy with low rates for economically disadvantaged patients. - see summary ...
❤ Monica Monteriù (Italy): Pilot project gender violence prevention and health promotion. - see summary ...
❤ Scheila Patricia Nascimento Gomes (Brazil): “May Love awaken in all beings” Sri Prem Baba - read more ... & see summary ...

Winners of the IIBA Awards 2019

During the Membership Meeting at the 25th IIBA International Conference (in Torres Vedras, Portugal), our IIBA Awards 2019 Central Convenor, Miriam Bergamini Mantau, announced the winners:

IIBAAward2019 Research

 “Mixed-method research on the effectiveness of the process of bioenergetic therapy in fostering embodiment and grounded transformative narratives” by Livia Savarese (Italy)

IIBAAward2019 Clinical

“A never-ending plight for authentic love - handling schizoid ambivalence” by Iana Carolina Maciel Franza (Brazil)

IIBAAward2019 Social

“Grounding: the bioenergetic analysis as a support for the young adolescent apprentice in the labor market ” by Maria Adélia Piquet Gonçalves Menezes (Brazil)


IIBAAwards2019 Group

IIBAAwards2019 Picture 1

A big thank you goes out to all those who helped us, especially to the small teams of referees and to our central convenor, Miriam Bergamini Mantau.

• Research Category: Livia Agresti, Jan Parker and Martha De Carvalho Rocha.
• Social Category: Livia Geloso, Paola Alessio and Rebeca Lea Berger.
• Clinical Category: Edith Liberman Alpersohn, Carol Melnick and Eulina Maria De Carvalho Ribeiro.



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