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Summer Bioenergetic Retreat by Ailsa Keppie and Declan King

North America
Date: 18/08/2024 - 24/08/2024

Lieu: Annapolis Valley Grand Pré, Nova Scotia  |  Ville: Horton Landing, Canadá

Summer Bioenergetic Retreat

Alisa Kepie

Join us for a week of growth and play in the beautiful Annapolis Valley, August 18 to 24, 2024.

The retreat is hosted by Ailsa Keppie and Declan King at in Grand Pré, Nova Scotia - a week-long experience of community living and personal growth. Our time together will include individual and group therapy, movement, creativity, and Qigong. This is a unique opportunity in a safe and supportive atmosphere.

Your therapists for the week will be Laurie Ure, Angela Funari, and Dan Beaudette. Laurie is a social worker and certified bioenergetic therapist, and IIBA International Trainer with over 30 years ofexperience. She has a private practice in Gloucester, MA. Angela is a Registered Counselling Therapist (Candidate) in Halifax, NS and has completed the Bioenergetic Analysis Training Program. Dan is currently completing his Masters in Counselling Psychology and has also completed the training program. For more information and to register click here:


2367, Ridge Road, Horton Landing, Hortonville, Municipality of the County of Kings, Kings County, Nueva Escocia
B0P 1M0, Canadá




Toutes les dates

  • Du 18/08/2024 au 24/08/2024


The home place of Bioenergetic Analysis.

The IIBA is a member of
USABP and of  EABP

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  International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis
   C/ dels Ametllers, 6
             08670 Navàs - Barcelona
  +34 623 56 32 47
  Working days - Western Europe time (UTC+2)


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