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Finding your Emotional Aliveness in Challenging Times

Date: 10/10/2023 - 13/10/2023

Lieu: Ströme-Institut eV, Hermannstr. 48 - 2.yard, 12049 Berlin  |  Ville: Berlin, Germany


202310 EUR NIB 1

A bioenergetic self-experiential 3-days-workshop, including introduction to basic bioenergetic concepts.

For psycho- and body- therapists, people interested in and participants of the training of Bioenergetic Analysis and interested non-professionals with previous experience in Bioenergetics or other body-oriented methods of self-awareness and therapy.

Finding your emotional aliveness again and discovering your body – as the important ally in this process characterizes the central concern of how Heiner Steckel understands his bioenergetic therapeutic work. Through bioenergetic exercises and participation or witnessing of exemplary individual work in front of the group, participants will be encouraged and helped to reconnect with the basic biological ways of dealing with and releasing chronified patterns of tension, often caused by adversive life events and traumatic experiences. The continuous work on increasing the organism’s tolerance for energetic charge and human contact as a basis for strong feelings to be felt, expressed and contained can be experienced and discussed. The work will be explained and substantiated by reference to basic bioenergetic concepts.

3 days Workshop with Heiner Steckel, a longtime “International Trainer of Bioenergetic Analysis (IIBA)”, coordinating trainer of the NIBA-training in Berlin (in Ströme-Institut): (

  • Start: Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 - 6 pm / 18:00
  • End: Friday, Oct 13, 2023 - 12 am / 12:00
  • Including 18 hours of Workshop, counting as 3 days compensation for trainees from 1. year of training Bioenergetic Analysis
  • Place: Ströme-Institut eV, Hermannstr. 48 - 2.yard, 12049 Berlin
  • Price: 390 €
  • Places will be limited!
  • Language: english (Heiner speaks german, if needed)
  • Contact for information and registration: Alice Moll: – phone: 0049 30 62607958

“I’m happy to welcome Heiner Steckel for a workshop in Ströme-Institut. It’s a chance to get to know his personal approach, deep rooted in long years of experience and trust into the selfhealing potential of the body, enabled to express its truth and finding into self-regulation again. Working in dialog-style with clients, he has a very clear view on small details of their bodyexpression as keys to deep personal truth. This way combining bodywork and words, the past influencing the present, grounding, breathing, shaking, finding new ways to integrate in a way which feels more alive and free. We cannot book him on the weekend, so I hope tuesday-friday will be possible to participate!” 

Alice Moll, coordinator of the NIBA-training in Bioenergetic Analysis


Hermannstraße 48
12049 Berlin, Germany




Toutes les dates

  • Du 10/10/2023 au 13/10/2023


The home place of Bioenergetic Analysis.

The IIBA is a member of
USABP and of  EABP

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  International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis
   C/ dels Ametllers, 6
             08670 Navàs - Barcelona
  +34 623 56 32 47
  Working days - Western Europe time (UTC+2)


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