- 2018 PDW Papers [EN]
- Bioenergetic Analysis Clinical Evidence Map [EN] [PT]
- Bioenergetics [EN]
- Bioenergetics and Gender, Love, Sex, Relationship [EN]
- Body-Therapy between Psychoanalysis [EN] [DE]
- Depression and the Body [EN]
- Efficacy of Bioenergetic Therapies [DE]
- Exploring Embodied and Bioenergetic Approaches in Trauma Therapy [EN]
- Fear of Life [EN]
- Handbook - Bioenergetic Analysis (Reader) [EN]
- Honoring the Body [EN]
- Joy [EN]
- Love and Orgasm [EN]
- Love, Sex, & Your Heart [EN]
- Migraine and Bioenergetic Analysis [DE]
- Narcissim: Denial of the True Self [EN]
- Pleasure [EN]
- Shyness and Shame [EN] [PT]
- The Betrayal of the Body [EN]
- The Concept of Orgon Energy [DE]
- The Language of the Body [EN]
- The Spirituality of the Body [EN]
- The Voice of the Body [EN]
- The Way to Vibrant Health [EN]