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Newsletter (Top News Edition) - Spring 2021 [EN]

Newsletter (Top News Edition) - Spring 2021 [EN]

While looking for an editor for our IIBA Newsletter, we want to keep sharing news about our community of Bioenergetic Therapists in a shortened issue: The new IIBA Top News Edition.

We truly appreciate the hard work and ingenuity shown by our affiliated societies, members and by our group of volunteers collaborating in many different committees and working groups in order to spread the word of Bioenergetic Analysis.

We look forward to working with all of you, moving forward. We are super excited for what the future holds. We are going to reach great heights in 2021, and we will do it together.

Table of Contents:

  1. Congratulations to the newest known CBTs
  2. What's going on in our global community
  3. Updates from our BoT
  4. Messages from our former & new presidents
  5. Further highlights of our BoT meeting in March 2021
  6. News about the Clinical Journal 2021
  7. New books
  8. Upcoming events


Congratulations to the newest known CBTs

What's going on in our global community

We are grateful about your commitment to the live of the body, healing and transformation. Today, we want to share with you a couple of stories:

  1. One year ago, our Social Media Committee launched the live series Speaking Bioenergetics in our Instagram account. We have been talking about Bioenergetics, history, concepts, relationships inspirations, changes by generations, values and visions. It was really exiting to chat with everybody! Find most of the episodes on our Youtube channel (more uploads will follow) or follow us on Instagram. On Youtube: Diana Guest), Scott Baum, Fina Pla, Heiner Steckel (Portuguese), Olaf Trapp), Patrizia Moselli, Maê Nascimento (Portuguese), Louise Fréchette. (We will upload more videos of Speaking Bioenergetics.)
  2. Our Board of Trustees invited the society directors & presidents to connect globally in 2 virtual gatherings: Presentation of the Virtual Society Directors & Presidents Meeting & Minutes of the 2nd virtual Society Directors & presidents meeting.These virtual meetings were inspiring and energizing in its proper way. (We will send the "Safe the Date" (for May 21, 2021) in a couple of days.)
  3. Zita Silva (from Instituto Neo-reichiano Lumen Ribeirão Preto) lives in Franca (São Paulo, Brazil), an industrial city with a population of 400.000 people. Somehow, they all give the best to survive the pandemic and its consequences, but they are facing hard times. Zita and her colleagues have mobilised a small group of local Bioenergetic Therapists to support much needed assistance to vulnerable populations. They are now running a social clinic taking care of people feeling despair, fear, anxiety, stress and speaking with people scared by losing personal freedom through stay-at-home orders and lockdowns.
  4. Our Chair of the Social Media Committee, Dante Moretti, gives free bioenergetic exercise classes on Instagram. Join him and follow him on Instagram! The Bioenergetic Exercise Class is weekly encounter on Wednesday, at 07:30 pm (Brazilian time - UTC -3).
  5. The Black Lives Matter movement reached many Bioenergetic Institutes in Brazil. With strength and commitment, Maria Cristina Francisco (CBT and affiliated to the IASBP) in collaboration with several institutes believing in social justice and the life of the bodies, created together the course Diverse bodies: blackness and whiteness, at the clinical setting. This course is designed to help Bioenergetic trainers to deal with contemporary questions that appear in the clinical field, mostly when addressing the topic of racial relationships.
  6. SCIBA has sized the "moment" of pandemic times to create new opportunity for reaching more people far and wide: "It is very exciting to be able to bring Bioenergetic teachings to other countries and continents. We have offered 3 online workshops (free and entitled Attending to the body) that introduce the basics of Bioenergetic Analysis. They also get prepared for 2021: While starting the training cycle online, SCIBA hopes that the pandemic will calm, and in-person training will be beginning sometime this summer. An online workshop on the Ethical Use of Touch is coming in April. After shifting the Somatic Relational monthly workshop to an online platform, SCIBA will launch another edition of this workshop series of 8 classes on May 1, 2021. Another initiative has started and is kicking-off: their new scholarship program, called Bodies of Culture: We have begun to receive donations and the committee is just beginning to create qualifications, procedures and plans to start awarding financial aid at the end of 2021. After a successful online 2021 Southern California Bioenergetic Conference, with fabulous presentations from Bioenergetic professionals from around the world, SCIBA can’t wait to return to Lake Arrowhead for the 2022 event, Feb 24-27.
  7. In the Perm community, almost all members have been ill with Covid-19. It was hard period, but mutual help and support was a valuable medicine: "We got a new flavor of being alive and an experience." Also, long creative workshop integrated into bioenergetic approach for specialists working with parents has successfully finished.
  8. The Massachusetts Society for Bioenergetic Analysis and the Atlantic Canada Society for Bioenergetic Analysis have met for their joint training group via Zoom this year. They have had success with working in triads among the trainees, between trainings focusing on the topic of each training. "We have a great group of 13 trainees - 5 are 2nd year trainees and 8 are in their third year. They are making excellent use of the Zoom technology - we are delighted with their growth!" The Massachusetts Society also announces their next conference planned for the Essex Woods Conference Center & Retreat, Essex, MA, Apr 21-24, 2022. Save the date!
  9. The New York Society for Bioenergetic Analysis is pleased to announce tha t they continue to provide training for their new class via Zoom. They are currently in the first semester of the second year, teaching Bioenergetic techniques. Danita Hall, who is the trainer this semester, among other things has each trainee take turns experiencing and exploring various techniques as the others watch, notice and comment on the different responses each trainee has to specific techniques. They are learning which technique might be better suited to use considering the developmental issues and character structures they may encounter by seeing their own and their classmates’ responses. Danita is working with Beth Doherty, a recent CBT, as her assistant. They are able to demonstrate the proper use of the various techniques using each other as client/therapist while the group discusses what they see and feel. Considering the Covid changes we have had to make, the students are learning and they are glad to be involved in the process even as modified. Of course, they are eager to have the trainees get back to working in person as soon as possible.

Updates from our BoT

While we all were thriving through the first year of Covid-19 pandemic, the BoT met virtually 6 times last year. This year, we met again via video conference from March 10 to 13 and we will meet again on May 7, 2021 in order to address all topics of the agenda.

Elections: Our annual BoT meeting started with the election of a new president. As you know, every 3 years we have elections for a new president of the IIBA. Cristina Piauhy was elected in 2020, and has been doing a wonderful job since then. Why change, then? When we elected Cristina (in March 2020), they knew she would not be able to stay a full term. (Every member of the BoT stays only for 3 years and can be re-elected for 3 years more.) But in her case, being with us, at the BoT, for five years already made her to leave just after 1 year of her office. As it was the first time the presidency was based on Latin America, we wanted to keep it there until fulfilling one term (3 years). So, Léia Cardenuto, another representative to the BoT from Latin America was elected. Janet Pinneau (vice-president) and Vita Heinrich-Clauer (secretary and treasurer) remain in office.

Messages from our former & new presidents

"I would like to thank the community of the IIBA for supporting and hosting the activities that I proposed as president. I hope to have contributed to the strengthening of ties between the members of the institute, which will give us a greater chance of growing collectively". Warmly, Cristina Piauhy

"As the new president I am very happy to continue Cristina’s work, and I am very conscious to take the responsibility of caring for this community, that we are trying to broaden and connect even more. I’m privileged to have an enthusiastic Board of Trustees and experienced past presidents who are eager to serve. I look forward to an exciting year ahead with all of you. Together we shall ground the world, encourage our growing global community of Bioenergetic Therapists and engage in meaningful projects that will expand our modality with the aim of alleviating human suffering." Warmly, Léia Cardenuto

Further highlights of our BoT meeting in March 2021

  1. After many years of dropping membership (until 2018), we are happy to announce that we keep on recovering slowly. In 2021, we have exceeded the 1.400 members mark! This is a big milestone for our community! Let’s get started right away in building the future of our global community together!
  2. We will do our best to celebrate our Professional Development Workshop 2020/2021 in August 2021 (there are still a couple spots left!). More information, please contact our Back-Office.
  3. It is an undeniable fact that excellence in research and production of high-quality publications would be able to enhance the reputation of our modality. We will support the Research Committee and we will give more support for developing this Committee in the IIBA structure.
  4. The Teaching Committee received “green light” to be the responsible of developing a plan for webinars.
  5. We are going back to reallocate a budget for translating the Journal. Our Editorial Team is currently reviewing the options to get translated the Journal 2021. (More information will hopefully follow soon).
  6. The IIBA Project Fund for societies, training groups and / or federations has been renewed in 2021. The directors, treasurers and contact persons of our affiliated societies have been already informed about the details and conditions.
  7. And last but not least, the 26th IIBA International Conference (planned for October 2022) will have a virtual pre-conference from October 15 to 17, 2021. The program is approved and registration will open soon. Most of the speeches will be held in English. We will provide translation to Portuguese, Spanish and hopefully to Italian, German or French. (Further details will be announced soon.)

Read the meeting minutes here ... (They will be uploaded in the end of next week.)

News about the Clinical Journal 2021

The Clinical Journal will be published electronically in an integrated library system. The publisher (Psychosozial-Verlag) is creating a specific website (LMS) for the E-Journal: [ The E-Journal will be public, available to everyone as PDF file and as html page, integrated in / linked to many international library systems. The E-Journal will finally get integrated in professional / scientific databases!

As mentioned, many times during the past year, this year’s edition is a test. The BoT will evaluate this year experience and decide how to proceed in one of the next BoT meetings.

Everybody who is interested in obtaining a printed copy can order such a copy at their own expense via the website of Pyschosozial-Verlag. (Please note: Depending on the shipping destination, customs charges have to be paid by the recipient.) We will give you more information during the next days.

New books

This book by Rosaria Filoni is a collection of articles written from personal and professional experiences, as well as case studies and exercises focused on Bioenergetics and Gender, Love, Sex, Relationship. Available in English and Italian. Coming soon: Russian (Thank you to the Moscow Training Group for taking on this task!)

Diana Guest and Jan Parker (both members of SCIBA published a new book: Becoming Grounded - A Detailed Guide for Bioenergetic Therapists. In their book, they examine the complexity of the concept of grounding in bioenergetics and focuses specifically on fine tuning your skills with grounding and alignment. Available now on Amazon.

Patrizia Moselli, Maria Luisa Manca and Barbara D’Amelio (all members of SIAB) published a new book: L’empatia appesa a un filo. Covid-19 e Lockdown 2020: la risposta dell’analisi bioenergetica. The book is a collection of contributions of many SIAB psychotherapists about their experience working online during the lockdown. In the book have been reported not only personal experiences but also the theoretical implications in bioenergetic analysis of this change of setting. Available on Amazon, Alpes and in various Italian bookshops (also websites).

Upcoming events

The workshop Working with defenses and resistances in the context of teletherapy with Louise Fréchette by EFBAP will address the challenges that bioenergetic therapists face when working with defenses and resistances in video teletherapy. It will also address other important challenges like how to build trust in a relationship in the context of teletherapy and how to create a therapeutic alliance, which are prerequisites to being able to work with defense and resistances. It will also address the topic of how to create optimal logistical conditions for body work in video teletherapy. Register now! Limited number of participants. Date: May 7-8, 2021 (03:00 pm - 7:45 pm CEST (UTC +2) More information ...

NYSBA wants to alert all IIBA members that they will be hosting a memorial for Vivian Guze via Zoom on May 23 between noon and 3 PM (EDT (UTC -4) in order to accommodate the entire community. More information will come soon ...

If there is anything you need, please do not hesitate to contact us or our Back-Office - we are here to serve you!

Your BoT 2021 Léia Maria de M. Cardenuto (President) Janet Pinneau (Vice-President), Vita Heinrich-Clauer (Secretary & Treasurer), Ann Coleman, Alexandre Franca Barreto, Diana Guest, Jayme Panerai, Manuela Tremante, Paola Alessio, Patrizia Moselli, Yael Harel, Cristina Piauhy (Advisor to the President)


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