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Energie und Identiät [DE, EN]

  • Language(s): English, German

In German: (translation) "Energie und Identiät"

Author: Rainer Mahr

In (English version): Rome, May 95, Body and Identity, First Clinical Congress of the European Federation for Bioenergetic Analysis-Psychotherapy, p.121-134
Also published by: Societa Italiana di Analisi Bioenergetica (SIAB)
Via di Pietralata 147/B
Roma, Italy
Tel. 0039/6/4510309

In (German version): Forum der Bioenergetischen Analyse, Nummber 1 1995, S: 39-52 ISSN 0946-8846

This is my first effort to describe the concept of Bioenergetic Analysis with ideas and concepts of modern physics, biology and physiology.  This seems being necessary for Bioenergetic Analysis uses terms of these sciences to describe bodily processes and shows how to modify them.  But how they are used is not corresponding to their scientific definition.  It is not described what is really going on in the body itself.  I focused on the term of 'energy'.  I try to show how this point of view is able to develop further the bioenergetic concept.  With some ideas of energy from subatomatic level perhaps you can explain with physical and bodily categories the meaing of 'relationship', 'intuition', 'nonverbal communication'.   Processes of transference and countertransference will get a 'physical' body.   The unity of body, soul and mind will find a new base by the term of 'energy'.   The energetic processes on the subatomatic level shows structures similar to those of the mental and psychic ones.


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